Airport ‹‹ ›› Eastern Part of Kowloon

Cityflyer buses at the Airport Ground Transportation CenterBuses are the cheapest way to get to and from Hong Kong International Airport, and the "A" routes are the most comfortable among all airport bus routes. Kowloon is serviced by 3 Cityflyer routes (A21/A22/A29), and the route A22 serves its eastern part. The route is serviced by double-decked buses with air-conditioning. The large luggage racks allow to store your luggage while you enjoy a bus ride. The bus stop (Ground Transportation Centre) is situated outside the Arrival Hall on the right side. So, to take a bus from the airport you need to get out of the Arrival Hall and turn right. Follow the direction signs.

The Route and Timetable

The Cityflyer route A22 serves the eastern part of Kowloon. The journey distance between the airport and Lam Tin Station is about 45km. The approximate journey time is 80 mins and varies according to the traffic conditions.
The route from the airport runs along Jordan Road, Chatham Road North, Ma Tau Wai Road, Prince Edward Road East, Kwun Tong Road, Lei Yue Mun Road to Lam Tin Station, and covers the following areas: Jordan, Hung Hom, To Kwa Wan, Ma Tau Wai, Kowloon City, Kowloon Bay, Kwun Tong and Lam Tin. The buses run daily from 6:00am to 12:10am with a frequency every 15-20 minutes.
The return route runs through the same areas and roads and the buses run daily from 5:30am to 10:30pm with a frequency every 15-20 minutes.

The Fare and Payment Methods

The adult fare is HK$39 and there are several ways to pay for a ride:
- Buy a single journey ticket. It can be purchased at the Customer Service Centre (Airport Ground Transportation Centre).
- Pay by cash. You must pay the exact amount of HK$ for a ride because the bus driver will not give you a change.
- Pay by Octopus Card. It can be purchased at the Arrival Hall. Octopus holders can enjoy a half-price fare on a return journey within the same day.
- Buy a Cityflyer pre-paid return ticket. It comprises a round trip between Hong Kong International Airport and Kowloon using any one of the following Cityflyer routes (A21/A22). The ticket can be purchased at the Customer Service Centre (Airport Ground Transportation Centre) on the price of HK$55 and is valid for 3 months from the date of issue.

The Bus Stops of A22 Route

Airport ›› Lam Tin Station Lam Tin Station ›› Airport
# Bus Stop # Bus Stop
1 Airport (Ground Transportation Centre) 1 Lam Tin Station
2 Lantau Link Toll Plaza 2 Kwun Tong Law Courts, Lei Yue Mun Road
3 Shanghai Street, Jordan Road 3 Tsun Yip Lane, Kwun Tong Road
4 Chi Wo Street, Jordan Road 4 Millennium City, Kwun Tong Road
5 Wylie Road, Gascoigne Road 5 Ting Fu Street, Kwun Tong Road
6 Valley Road, Chatham Road North 6 Lower Ngau Tau Kok Estate, Kwun Tong Road
7 Pak Kung Street, Chatham Road North 7 Telford Gardens, Kwun Tong Road
8 Shan Si Street, Chatham Road North 8 Kowloon Bay Station, Kwun Tong Road
9 Farm Road, Ma Tau Wai Road 9 Kai Tai Court, Kwun Tong Road
10 Geranium House Ma Tau Wai Estate, Ma Tau Wai Road 10 Richland Gardens, Kwun Tong Road
11 Argyle Street Playground, Ma Tau Chung Road 11 Rhythm Garden, Prince Edward Road East
12 Regal Oriental Hotel, Prince Edward Road East 12 The Latitude, Prince Edward Road East
13 The Latitude, Prince Edward Road East 13 Regal Oriental Hotel, Prince Edward Road East
14 Choi Hung Estate, Prince Edward Road East 14 Mok Cheong Street, Ma Tau Chung Road
15 Ping Shek Estate, Kwun Tong Road 15 Ma Hang Chung Road, Ma Tau Wai Road
16 Kai Yip Estate, Kwun Tong Road 16 Chi Kiang Street Playground, Ma Tau Wai Road
17 Kowloon Bay Station, Kwun Tong Road 17 Pak Kung Street, Chatham Road North
18 Lower Ngau Tau Kok Estate, Kwun Tong Road 18 Ping Chi Street, Chatham Road North
19 Ting Fu Street, Kwun Tong Road 19 Kowloon Union Church, Jordan Road
20 Ngau Tau Kok Station, Kwun Tong Road 20 Woosung Street, Jordan Road
21 Kwun Tong Town Centre, Kwun Tong Road 21 Battery Street, Jordan Road
22 Kwun Tong Station 22 Lantau Link Toll Plaza
23 Kwun Tong Swimming Pool, Lei Yue Mun Road 23 Airport (Terminal One)
24 Lam Tin Station 24 Airport (Terminal Two)
25   25 Airport (Ground Transportation Centre)
Bus Stops and Hotels on the Map

The List of Hotels Along the Route and the Nearby Bus Stops

Hotel Area From Airport
To Downtown
From Downtown
To Airport
The marked bus stops are at a distance of more than 400 meters from the hotel.
Dorsett Kwun Tong Kwun Tong A22 23 A22 2
Harbour Plaza 8 Degrees Kowloon City A22 10 A22 14
Largos Hotel Jordan A22(A21) 4(10) A22(A21) 19(8)
L'hotel Elan Kwun Tong A29(A22) 13(20) A22 4
Newton Place Hotel Kwun Tong A29(A22) 13(20) A22 4
Regal Oriental Hotel Kowloon City A22 12 A22 13
West Hotel Jordan A22 3 A22 21
Budget Hotels, Hostels & Guesthouses Area From Airport
To Downtown
From Downtown
To Airport
Bridal Tea House Hotel - Hung Hom Winslow Street Hung Hom A22 6 A22 18
Bridal Tea House Hotel - Hung Hom Wuhu Street Hung Hom A22 6 A22 18
Bridal Tea House Hotel - Kowloon City Kowloon City A22 11 A22 14
Hoi Shing Hotel New Lucky House, Jordan A22(A21) 4(10) A22(A21) 19(8)
Hong Kong Le Cong Fraternal Association Hostel New Lucky House, Jordan A22(A21) 4(10) A22(A21) 19(8)

Additional Information

Useful Numbers

Service Number
Citybus Customer Service Hotline +852 2873 0818